About Me
My final form, courtesy of Scuff's Icon Maker. My two sons, Asher (lil void) and Thumbs (orange boi)
Self described Library Cultist based out of Florida, I work from home with my two cats and my wonderful husband. We've been together since 2006 and are still very much in love. We spend most of our time not working telling stories with our friends, writing, reading, and doing all the cute little tasks one must do to stay alive. I identify as a solitary, pagan Witch and still believe in magic. I love listening to podcasts, especially true crime and spooky themed ones. I identify as Bi/Pan, I use them interchangably because I like the colors of the Bi flag more but Pan is more accurate. I started this site to get away from social media and relive my childhood, messing with coding to make something as much mine as I can. I don't have the time I did as a teenager but I plan to at least spend some quality time with this site to make it something to come back to, even if simply to relive the early 2000s vibes.